Volume 19, Issue 3

November 2023


Editor’s Introduction
Elizabeth Evans, Daniela Treveri Gennari and Bridgette Wessels

Themed Section: Martin Barker Tribute

​​A Sense of Wonder: Remembering Martin Barker
Sue Turnbull

Martin Barker and Comics Studies: A Personal Appreciation
Roger Sabin

How to Read Uncle $crooge After How to Read Donald Duck
Henry Jenkins

Martin Barker’s Work in Relation to Fan Studies and Fans: On ‘Rogue’ Readings, ‘Figures of the Audience’, and ‘Waves’ of Scholarship
Matt Hills

Revisiting Martin Barker’s Contribution to Audience Studies
Ruth A. Deller

Making a Fuss About Audiences: Youth in Martin Barker’s Work
Despina Chronaki

Sex and Media; The Work of Martin Barker
Feona Attwood

The Cuties Controversy: Prefiguration, ‘Sexualisation’, and the New Conspiracism
Richard McCulloch and William Proctor

The Ongoing Significance of Martin Barker’s Work on Censorship and ‘Media Effects’
Julian Petley

Martin Barker. After.
Sarah Ralph-Lane

Playing with Gollum: Uncovering the Cultural Life and Transnational Travels of a Complex Character
Martin Barker

Stop Viking Vološinov and Bleeding Bakhtin!
Martin Barker

An Interview with Martin Barker
Clarissa Smith

Themed Section: Books on Screen

Introduction: Books on Screen
Laura Dietz and Leah Henrickson

Portals of Potentialities: Patricia Lockwood’s No One Is Talking About This and the Digital Literary Festival
Ellen Addis

Books Bleeding out of the Screen: Engaging with Imaginary Books on Screen Through Replicas
Tonguc Sezen

Shuffle Your Library: The Book History of Magic: The Gathering
Allie Alvis

Book Reviews

Review: Annette Kuhn, Exploring Cinema Memory, Thirsty Books, 2023
Daniela Treveri Gennari